Saturday, April 14, 2007

Klingon > Elvish

Its been awhile since my last post...but I've been busy. Getting older is not easy. Thank you to everyone who remembered to think of me. And those awesome friends who gave me presents.

But what else is knew: On Thursday night I played a show with my new-new band Super-Sect. This was an amazing amount of fun regardless of how bad we sounded. But what the point is: The band who played before was 'The Show Is The Rainbow'. It's one heacy set bearded Nebraskin. He blew my mind from my dome piece. I was drunk, I bought a shirt, and then downloaded his music.

Now I bring it to you.

So drop your domes on this.

Do The Skinny
Gothic Cajun

Next post: The 'Getting To Know Your Blogger (4 part series)'


1 comment:

Mary said...

That show was amazing, that nebraskin guy was TOTALLY amazing! and all was very much fun. Life should just be one big, long dance party...i'd be so happy.

p.s. is there anything this boy cant do?